
Minggu, 25 Juli 2010

Alyssa Milano Tatto

Body of actress Alyssa Milano decorates eight tattoos. She has Tattoos on the ankle, on the side, on the back, neck, and abdomen and on the shoulder. Watch them. Photos have occurred long time ago, however, I was unable to pass the beauty of the star.

Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010

Samurai Tatto

The Samurai class was known for its extra ordinary martial arts skills. They were highly disciplined individuals trained in the deadliest art of fighting. The Shogun was able to win many battles with the help of the fighting skills of the Samurai. On the other side of their personality these fighting machines were trained in art and poetry. This unique mix of talents lends a mystique to the Samurai which is one of the reasons behind the success of Samurai tattoos.

Sexy Japanese Tatto

When it comes to cool ideas of tattooing you crapper 't obtain the cooler such that the Japanese. Japanese tattooings crapper be titled irezumi or more correctly the horimono and ofttimes are very black and strongly detailed. Obtaining good pretty such guarantees congratulations of the grouping due to their exotic origin and great design.

Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

Britney Spears Tatto

The famous pop singer has a large numbers of tattoos,including butterfly and a vine on her left foot,a Hebrew characters on the back of her neck,the Chinese symbol.The most popular is a fairy on her lower back and a small design on her right,lower hip.

Here are some photos of her tattoos

Koi Fish Tatto

When it comes to favorites with tattoos the Japanese Koi fish tattoo design is a leader. both in beauty and popularity. This design represents Zen and symbolizes ‘Good Luck’. The Japanese draw a parallel between the Koi fish and a Samurai Warrior as they both represent courage, the ability to attain high goals and to overcome life’s difficulties. Before rushing off and getting a Japanese Koi fish tattoo you need to consider many factors including the tattoo color, its location on your body and of course any complimentary inclusions.

Celebrity Tattos

Are you think purchase a tattoo but you are hesitant of which design would go best with your celebrity and which designs would most outfit the tattoo theme that you would like to construct on your body? Numerous people are judgment motivation through tattoo galleries, but also through the tattoos that are seen on some of the most well-liked celebrities through the choices that have been made.

Finding motivation for tattoos from celebrities has been made easy, as there are hundreds of galleries that are accessible online focusing on near up pictures and details that are accessible of the tattoos that have been chosen by celebrities. There are numerous choices that are accessible from celebrities that have been heavily tattooed to celebrities that have gotten their initial tattoo or that merely have one.

Dragonfly Kanji Tatto

Kamis, 22 Juli 2010

Sexy Chinese Tatto

A small Chinese tattoo design is enough to create strong emotion of an individual. There are wide varieties of choice available in the context of Chinesetattoo designs for a person to express their strong emotions. The Chinese tattoos are aesthetically powerful, elegant and beautiful and also becomes the identification of Chinese symbolism.

Gemini Tatto


Wanita adakalanya suka dengan tato, dimana banyak yang menganggap tato sanagt menarik jika di pasang di tempat yang tepat. nah sebenarnya banyak dari cewek yang menaruh tatto dibagian dalam tubuhnya, tentunya hal ini akan menjadikan penampilah para cewek ini berbeda dari yang lain. dibawah inia dlah foto tato seksi di tubuh cewek yang sangat hot.

Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

Beautifull Nail Art

Russian Nail-Art

Everybody knows what Japanese nail-art is - crazy crazy bright and overloaded nails, very funky and noticeable. I want to introduce you to the Russian Nail-art. Oh yeah - nail industry in Russia is really huge, even if compare to the US. But where are some things that really distinguish Russian nail-art from the Japanese or American.

Dampak Tatto di Kulit

Tattoo menjadi populer saat ini. Tattoo art sudah menjadi salah satu bagian penting dalam meningkatkan penampilan. Tatto bahkan dianggap dapat meningkatkan sensualitas. Dulu, tatto lebih sering ditemukan pada pelaku kriminal untuk menambah "keseraman" mereka. Namun kini kesan tato sudah tidaklah seram karena tato juga sudah menjadi bagian dari fashion.

Bahkan, tatto dapat ditemukan di semua usia, dari anak kecil hingga orang tua. Bagian tubuh yang sering dijadikan tempat membubuhkan tattoos art pada kaum permpuan adalah betis, punggung, dan lengan. Di zaman modern ini, tattoo art pada kaum perempuan bahkan dapat di buat pada daerah sensitif seperti payudara, dibawah pinggul, dan dekat alat vital.

Bagi sebagian kalangan, tattoos merupakan bentuk karya seni yang dapat menjadi bagian dari gaya hidup, bahkan ada yang berpendapat bahwa tato juga bisa dijadikan sebagai metode alternatif pengobatan atau terapi.Survey di salah satu media international beberapa waktu yang lalu menyebutkan, metode jarum untuk membuat seni tatto dapat menjadi teknik baru yang efektif untuk pemberian vaksin ke dalam tubuh manusia.

Dilihat dari dampaknya terhadap kesehatan, tattoos dapat menimbulkan resiko yang serius apabila tidak dilakukan secara tepat. Pembuatan tato yang tepat perlu memperhatikan 3 hal berikut, yaitu: kondisi, profesionalitas, dan kebersihan.

Menurut Dr. Sriyatti Sengkey, DK, ahli aesthetic, penggunaan jarum untuk tatto sering tidak steril. Dan jika ini tidak diperhatikan, seni tatto justru bisa jadi media menularkan beberapa penyakit seperti hepatitis, penyakit kulit dan bahkan HIV.Ditambahkannya, banyak orang juga yang tidak mengetahui efek yang ditimbulkan oleh tattoo art. Kulit yang terkena tattoos art bisa bengkak dan terjadi infeksi, sementara kulit yang sudah terkena tatto sampai pada bagian dermis atau bagian paling dalam kulit, tidak bisa dikeluarkan lagi.

Menindik tatto pada kulit dapat terkena MRSA, penyakit kulit yang mematikan. MRSA merupakan jenis bakteri yang tumbuh berkembang melalui penindikan tatto oleh pihak ilegal. MRSA adalah jenis staphylococcus yang resisten terhadap methicilin. Penyebaran virus MRSA tampak dalam bentuk benjolan-benjolan kecil atau kulit yang meradang sehingga mungkin sekali menyebabkan terjadinya problema besar dan berbahaya seperti radang paru dan kanker darah.

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Imelda Chrisdianti Tatto

Imelda Chrisdianti have tattoo in her hands, legs, back and others. She ever staring sinetron CINTA INDAH 2, have call name with Imey. She study in Trisakti Law Faculty Jakarta.

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